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Common Questions

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Q: Are you a vanity press?
A: No. You’ll find posted on our website that we are a traditional publisher. Traditional publishers cover the full costs of publication once a manuscript is accepted. The authors are paid royalties.

Q: Where can I find information to submit my manuscript?

Q: Where are the open anthology calls?

Q: What genres do you accept?
A: All genres and subgenres.

Q: How do I format my submission? Wouldn’t everything just be an unreadable block of text?
A: Watch and follow this video or look at this image example.

Q: Is there a limit on how many submissions can be sent?
A: A maximum of two per anthology. There is no limit on the number of anthologies authors can submit to. Poetry and drabble anthologies are the only exceptions. Be like many of our patrons and try collecting them all!

Q: I use a pen name. Why do I need to provide my real information?
All companies need legally correct information in order to write contracts. None of the information is disclosed.

Q: After submitting to an anthology, what is the average response time?
A: If you have received a generic response within minutes of your email, your submission has been received by our team. You can expect an acceptance or rejection within seven days after a submission deadline ends. For example: If the deadline ends on April 30, you will receive a response by May 8.

Q: Do you accept reprints?
A: Yes, if the author holds the full rights to the work. We will not include a ‘previously published by’ message in our anthologies.

Q: Where are books available to purchase? Is it only Amazon?
A: The list of where books are available is extremely lengthy. The major ones include Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, Google Play.

Q: Once a book is published with DSP, can the author enter it into contests and have the publisher update the cover with any new badges acquired upon winning?
A: Yes, this can easily be done.

Q: When do I receive royalties?
Royalties are paid annually and within the 30 days after that quarter ends via PayPal. The bi-annual months are as follows: January to June, July to December.

Q: What does it mean when I don’t receive royalties?
A: If you do not receive royalties within 30 days after the bi-annual quarter ends, that means the minimum requirement for royalties was not reached for pay out. Regardless of the final amount, all royalties will be paid at the end of the next bi-annual quarter as stated in the contract.

Q: My anthology didn’t make millions! I want my stories back!
A: Firstly, contracts are signed to protect both the author and the publisher from haphazard decisions. To be in this business, it must be understood that not everyone who steps up to the plate will make millions or even hundreds of thousands off of projects they participate in. The amount of money made depends on the writing, the authors’ tenacity, and the collected marketing effort. There are other underlying factors as well. Traditional publishers spend a certain amount on marketing and if the book does not sell well, they do not invest further into it.

Q: Why were some DSP anthologies discontinued?
The ownership of Dragon Soul Press changed in February 2020 to an individual working with Penguin Random House. Previous contracts only allowed for DSP to have the submissions published for a single year and the anthologies were unpublished. This has changed as of February 2020 and all future anthologies will stay in print, UNLESS part of a series that has had a volume edition unpublished.